International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

First National EE&A Workshop Proceedings for nile basin - Uganda

Environmental education and awareness is not new. Environmental education (EE) was passed informal from generation to generation since time in memorial. Children were brought up by their parents to know what plants and animals could be eaten and how to collect them. That is environmental education – getting to know your environment. Environmental education and awareness become an issue in the international arena in 1972 after the UN conference on Human Development in Stolkhom, the formation of UNEP in 1972 and the subsequent establishment of the international EE programme in 1975. EE was then formalised. A series of international conferences like the intergovernmental conference on EE in Tbilisi in 1977 and Tbilisi +10 in Moscow have continued to shape the planning and implementation of EE activities.

1094: Nile Transboundary Environmental Action Project, Phase I

23 Apr 2010


First National EE&A Workshop Proceedings for nile basin - Uganda.pdf
