International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Activity B1: Regional Multi-Project Learning Exchange Activities

SEA/PAL: World Bank Institute/IW:LEARN PCU

OTHER PARTNERS: [B1.1:] UNEP-GEF, Caribbean White Water to Blue Water Initiative , IWRN, UNEP-CEP; ANBO; UNECE with CTC


Organize 2-5 multi-project learning exchanges on a regional scale 
This activity aims to enhance the implementation of regional subsets of the GEF IW portfolio by increasing the overall capacity of managers, transferring capacity from within these portions and from outside partners, and strengthening communication and learning exchanges across networks of GEF IW managers within these regions. 


B1.1: Caribbean Inter-Linkages Dialog (in cooperation with UNEP and OAS) 
B1.2: Africa Learning: Exchange across freshwater and marine GEF IW projects and partners in Africa (in cooperation with ANBO, ACWA, NEPAD and/or African Regional Seas Secretariats). 
B1.3: Europe Learning: Exchange among IW projects across Eastern Europe, Central Europe and Central Asia (in partnership with the UNECE Transboundary Waters Secretariat and the Peipsi Center for Transboundary Cooperation) 


Year Goals/Outputs  Status/Notes 
1 At least 1 regional exchange launched (Europe)  Completed - St. Petersburg (2005); see B1.3
At least 2 regional exchanges launched (Africa)  Completed - Africa IWRM Workshop in 2006
2 more before end of project; see B1.2
At least 3 regional exchanges launched (Caribbean); Present regional exchange findings at IWC4  MOU signed w/CEP; see B1.1
Learning products on IW-IMS  (See links under these sub-activities.)