Strategic Action Plan (SAP) for the Lake Victoria Basin
This Strategic Action Plan (SAP) for the Lake Victoria Basin builds on the results of the National and Regional Transboundary Diagnostic Analyses (TDAs) carried out in the Basin in 2006. The TDAs identified key national and transboundary issues along with their underlying and root causes, within the context of the Vision and Strategy of the Basin. The SAP was designed to assist stakeholders across the Lake Victoria Basin (Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi and Rwanda) to analyse and prioritize the key transboundary issues, interventions, goals, targets and strategies. The focus has been on developing broad consensus on realistic, achievable strategies and interventions for sustainable management of the Lake Basin in a define time frame of either short, medium or long term in order to develop mechanisms that will enable stakeholders to monitor the progress of the implementation process towards achieving the targets and goals set in the SAP. There are six chapters and seven annexes in this report. The results of participatory processes in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi and Rwanda are presented in the SAP report, starting with the TDAs, feeding into the SAP. The TDAs, along with other relevant initiatives, form the baseline of the SAP. The SAP itself is a document intended for action and decision-making. The SAP for Lake Victoria Basin is a result of a participatory approach by stakeholders in the Basin. The stakeholders fully participated in the process leading to this SAP at both national and regional level. Many of these stakeholders, earnestly, gave their time to contribute at both the national and regional level. The lake Victoria Basin Commission would like to express sincere gratitude to all contributors to this process including regional technical reviewers, focal point officers, National project coordinators, a manifold of stakeholders and consultants. The production of this SAP would not have been possible without the rigorous review processes by the Task Force Team of Regional Technical Reviewers and the Regional Task Force Team that was tasked with the overall conceptualization, formatting, writing, design, production monitoring and editing of this report. Global Environmental Facility (GEF), through the World Bank (WB), provided very important financial contribution for the SAP process. The Lake Victoria Basin Commission, sincerely, acknowledges all the support and encouragement received throughout this process.
Strategic Action Plan (SAP) for the Lake Victoria Basin.pdf