Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem - Strategic Action Programme (SAP)
This Strategic Action Programme (SAP) is based on the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) which was endorsed in March 2012 by the eight countries of the BOBLME. The TDA draws on over ten years of studies, reviews and analyses. It identifies the main transboundary issues and their causes, and it reviews the driving forces at work in the BOBLME, such as the socio-economic, institutional, legal and administrative circumstances and the projected impact of climate change on the region. The SAP is a negotiated policy document that sets out a programme of actions which address the causes of the major fisheries, environmental and social and economic issues. The development of the SAP has been guided by the BOBLME Project Steering Committee which comprised senior-level government officers from the fisheries and environmental agencies in each country. This SAP is the 2015 versions, expanded with the signatures of 16 government partner institutions, endorsing it for the implementation of the 2nd phase.
1252: Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem
Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem - Strategic Action Programme (SAP) .pdf