Governance assessment for the Guianas-Brazil continental shelf fisheries ecosystem (2012)
Detailed assessments of governance architecture such as the one carried out in this study for the Guianas-Brazil continental shelf fisheries ecosystem are few. Technical assessments of resources and their habitats are far more common. The purpose of the assessment carried out here is to dissect and display the suite of governance arrangements for the major governance issues identified for this ecosystem in order to facilitate discussion among stakeholders. This discussion can lead to shared perceptions of what should be in place, what principles should be prominent and how the system should be structured. The assessment is not intended to provide a prescriptive output regarding what should be in place. Nonetheless, some broad observations can be made on aspects of the system that need attention if arrangements are to be structured in way that is likely to lead to effective governance, including the promotion of intersectoral and inter-issue integration that is needed for an ecosystem approach.
Governance assessment for the Guianas-Brazil continental shelf fisheries ecosystem (2012).pdf