Room for the river in Cat's Bend: Application of the SketchMatch method in Romania (2018)
The project “Room for the River in Cat’s Bend, Romania” is a pilot-project, initiated by the Romanian Ministry of Environment and financed by the Dutch Government. In an interactive process together with regional partners (i.e. policymakers and other stakeholders), this project aimed to draw up integrated regional plans for the Cat‟s Bend region in the Lower Danube near Galati (Figure 1), based on the flood protection strategy as defined in the project “Ecological and economical restoration of the lower Danube floodplain – Romanian sector” (REELD) and an economic feasibility study carried out by the Danube Delta National Institute in 2007 and 2008 - and using the Dutch “Room for the Rivers” approach.
Room for the river in Cat's Bend: Application of the SketchMatch method in Romania (2018).pdf