The model system MONERIS
MONERIS is a multipurpose environmental model system for use by regional, state (e.g. Umweltbundesamt) and local agencies in performing watershed- and water-quality-based studies. The model MONERIS (MOdelling Nutrient Emissions in RIver Systems) is an empiric conceptional model, which allows the quantification of nutrients emissions via various point and diffuse pathways into river basins (BEHRENDT et al., 2000; 2002a; 2002 b). It was developed in the research group of the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB Berlin). The basis for the model are data on runoff and water quality for the studied river catchments and a Geographical Information System (GIS) integrating digital maps as well as extensive statistical information for different administrative levels. The application of MONERIS allows a regionally differentiated quantification of nutrient emissions into river systems which can be shown in GIS generated maps.
399: Danube River Basin Environmental Management