Report of the Round Table for Private Sector: Waste Collection, Disposal and Recycling Systems
Based on an analysis of this information, a report was subsequently prepared on “The Collection, Disposal and Recycling Systems of Select Private Sector Companies in Ghana”. This report was prepared with a view to making recommendations which could improve the functioning of these systems. In this regard, the report discusses the following salient points: the rationale for recycling non-hazardous waste by Ghana’s private sector companies; the exact procedures which these companies use in recycling-from the moment the waste is generated to the moment it is collected, disposed and recycled; the sort of financial benefits which these companies derive from selling the reprocessed products; the challenges which they encounter; how they could overcome these obstacles; the kind of incentives which government provides to boost these activities; best recycling technologies which companies use/could potentially use and the success stories which they have to share.
Report of the Round Table for Private Sector: Waste Collection, Disposal and Recycling Systems.pdf