International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

[MedPartnership] Assessment of climate variability and change impacts and evaluation of response options (a case study of Croatia) [Experience Note]

The aim of this activity was to provide the tools to influence the current practice of unsustainable coastal development around the Mediterranean. Croatia is one of the Mediterranean countries with highest ratio of coastal length per inhabitant. Driven by tourism, this resulted in high coastal urbanisation, often of the ribbon type. The estimated costs that future generations will have to bear is expected to assist in developing the needed political will to change unsustainable coastal development patterns. For this assessment the Dynamic Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (DIVA) method was selected. It focused on increased coastal flood risk in terms of the expected annual damage from extreme sea level events and dry land loss due to sea-level rise. The assessment showed that the impacts of sea-level rise will be substantial in the 21st century for Croatia if no adaptation measures are implemented. Hard adaptation measures are still less costly than the possible damage.

2600: Strategic Partnership for the Mediterranean Large Marine Ecosystem--Regional Component: Implementation of agreed actions for the protection of the environmental resources of the Mediterranean Sea and its coastal areas

23 Apr 2019

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[MedPartnership] Assessment of climate variability and change impacts and evaluation of response options (a case study of Croatia) [Experience Note].pdf