[MedPartnership] MedICIP: Mediterranean Integrated Climate Information Platform [Experience Note]
The Mediterranean Integrated Climate Information platform (MedICIP), is a joint Mediterranean country effort to share geographical data and existing reports dealing with ICZM and Climate Change in participating countries. The development of MedICIP was possible thanks to the strong partnership between UNEP GRID and University of Geneva and Plan Bleu and eleven countries around the Mediterranean basin, namely: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Montenegro, Palestine, Syria, and Tunisia . The main objective of MedICIP is to reinforce regional coordination on data sharing and exchange of information. The outcome of the effort was the creation of a Geographical Data Infrastructure (GIS) interface with more than 1400 layers available and the establishment of a network of experts coming from relevant institution dealing with climate change and ICZM in the eleven involved countries.