International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

[Nutrient Reduction/Best Management Practice] Croatia - Agricultural Pollution Control Project

The project aims to significantly increase the use of environmentally friendly agricultural practices by farmers in the Danube River basin in order to reduce nutrient discharge from agricultural sources to surface and groundwater bodies. Strategies include (i) manure management; (ii) implementing a national agri-environment policy (Code of Good Agricultural Practices) and a national water protection policy, particularly concerning nitrates; (iii) carrying out a public awareness campaign on the benefits of project activities with the aim of replicating them at national and regional levels; and (iv) efficient project management.

2746: Promoting Replication of Good Practices for Nutrient Reduction and Joint Collaboration in Central and Eastern Europe

20 May 2019

300.4 KB



[Nutrient Reduction/Best Management Practice] Croatia - Agricultural Pollution Control Project.pdf