International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

[ABNJ Ocean Partnerships] Investing in WECAFC - Considerations for the Development of RFMO Investments

This report outlines the findings from efforts to develop a business case for the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) in support of carrying out its future duties as Regional Fisheries Management Organization (RFMO). It is part of a series of reports produced for Conservation International in support of the business case development efforts in the Caribbean led by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). As part of this report, four regionally important fishery target stocks (shrimp and seabob, dolphinfish, queen conch, and spiny lobster) were assessed for potential business case development. These reports are included in the Appendices of this document. (Published on 21 September 2018)

4856: Ocean Partnerships for Sustainable Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation - Models for Innovation and Reform

08 Jan 2019

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[ABNJ Ocean Partnerships] Investing in WECAFC - Considerations for the Development of RFMO Investments.pdf