SDS-SEA Implementation Plan 2018-2022
The Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia Implementation Plan (SDS-SEA IP) 2018-2022 is composed of 3 Priority Management Programs and 3 Governance Programs. The Priority Management Programs include: a) Biodiversity Conservation and Management; b) Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management; and c) Pollution Reduction and Waste Management. The cross-cutting Governance Programs include: a) Ocean Governance and Strategic Partnerships; b) Knowledge Management and Capacity Development; and c) Blue Economy Investment and Sustainable Financing. Each Priority Management and Governance program includes 3 parts: (1) an introductory section providing an overview of the priority issue area/program, the region’s current situation and major efforts undertaken, and remaining gaps and challenges; (2) a summary of key international and regional commitments directly relevant to respective priority program; and (3) a matrix of the overall objective of the priority program, expected outcomes to 2022, indicators of benefit/impact, and targeted actions and schedule to which PEMSEA Country and Non-Country Partners may indicate/identify relevant activities of possible collaboration/initiatives (ongoing/planned) that would help contribute to achieving the region’s targets.
SDS-SEA Implementation Plan 2018-2022.pdf