Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia : Regional Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development Requirements for the Coasts and Oceans
The Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia (SDS-SEA) provides a regional implementing framework and strategies for achieving the goals of key international agreements and action plans, including the UN Millennium Development Goals, the World Summit on Summit on Sustainable Development Plan of Implementation, Chapter 17 of Agenda 21 and other international instruments related to coasts, islands and oceans. The SDS-SEA was developed after three years of extensive consultations with the 12 participating governments and 16 stakeholder partners, and embodies a shared vision among stakeholders towards achieving the sustainable use of coastal and marine natural resources, protection of the ecosystems, protection of life and property of the coastal population and sustaining the benefits provided by marine ecosystems. Action programs are developed under six major strategies: Sustain, Preserve, Protect, Develop, Implement and Communicate. On 12 December 2003, at the Ministerial Forum during the East Asian Seas Congress 2003, concerned ministers of PEMSEA participating countries, as well as representatives of other stakeholder entities, adopted the Putrajaya Declaration of Regional Cooperation for the Sustainable Development of the Seas of East Asia. By adopting the SDS-SEA, the Putrajaya Declaration conveys a regional policy commitment to sustainable development of the seas of East Asia and to forge stakeholder partnership arrangments in addressing areas of concern.
597: Building Partnerships for the Environmental Protection and Management of the East Asian Seas