International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Prespa Lakes Basin Strategic Action Programme

This Strategic Action Programme (SAP) establishes a framework on agreed management actions to be implemented that address the key transboundary concerns (or concerns that are shared between the countries) and to preserve the ecosystem values outlined in the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) that was discussed at a tri-lateral stakeholder meeting in November 2009. The substance of this SAP has been developed by a Technical Task Team (TTT) in discussion with national and regional stakeholders. This SAP builds on the work of the Prespa Park Co-ordination Committee (PPCC) activities in preparing a Strategic Action Plan in 2002. This SAP is also fully supportive of, and integrates a recent ‘Joint Agreement’ signed by the three countries to manage and protect the Prespa Park Area as well as other activities implemented earlier by the three countries. This SAP has been prepared following the guidance prepared by GEF International Waters and implemented in many transboundary seas, rivers, lake and aquifers globally. The approach has been adapted to include the terrestrial ecosystem as well as the aquatic environment. The SAP provides a harmonised framework for the future protection of the ecosystem and will need to be supported by three national action plans under the co-ordination of the basin authority. This SAP framework provides an agreed structure to implementing the SAP, the principles which will be followed for management of the ecosystem, and the priority actions that will be required to be implemented.

1537: Integrated Ecosystem Management in the Prespa Lakes Basin of Albania, FYR-Macedonia and Greece

27 Feb 2020

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Prespa Lakes Basin Strategic Action Programme.pdf