Volta Basin Authority Strategic Plan
Based on initial work by a consultant to draft a Strategic Plan, the UNEP/GEF Volta Project assisted the VBA to organize a Programming Workshop in Ouagadougou from 10 to 13 August 2009. The objective of this review and participatory workshop was to establish a programming framework which outlines the key priorities of the VBA and will facilitate the VBA and its partners to better focus their efforts in serving the needs and priorities of the Volta Basin while avoiding duplication of efforts. Representatives of all the VBA Member Countries and the major projects on Integrated Water Resource Management of the Volta Basin were in attendance. The discussions were organized alternately through plenary and group sessions to ensure that a greater number of stakeholders could participate. The session enabled the stakeholders to come out with major and shared orientations to ensure the drafting of a 5-year Strategic Plan for the VBA. The 3-day workshop also offered a convenient platform for all stakeholders involved to gradually arrive at a common consensus and vision on the integrated water resource management of the Volta basin. In the end, the deliberations contributed to deepening the common understanding of the role of the Basin Authority. The VBA Strategic Plan was approved during the 3rd meeting of the VBA Council of Ministers in Accra on 15 December 2009.
1111: Addressing Transboundary Concerns in the Volta River Basin and its Downstream Coastal Area
Volta Basin Authority Strategic Plan.pdf