[LME:LEARN Policy Brief] Science to Management: Addressing Information Gaps for Decision Making for Large Marine Ecosystem Management
Translating science to management is a key issue for all natural resource managers. Yet, in many situations, access to information or data is unavailable and often unknown. Making decisions in these situations is not easy and can require being resourceful with what knowledge is available and strategic in how to any information and data gaps. This policy brief will provide useful examples of how to address issues translating science to management for policy makers based on lessons learned in the GEF International Waters Large Marine Ecosystem portfolio. DISCLAIMER: These publications may be reproduced in whole or in part and in any form for educational or non-profit purposes without special permission from the copyright holder, provided acknowledgment of the source is made. For bibliographic purposes, this policy brief should be cited as: GEF LME:LEARN, 2020. Science to Management: Addressing Information Gaps for Decision Making for Large Marine Ecosystem Management. Paris, France.
1252: Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem