[ABNJ Tuna and Biodiversity] First Project Steering Committee: Sustainable Management of Tuna Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation in the ABNJ Report
The first meeting of the Project Steering Committee (PSC) was opened on June 11, 2014, by the Global Programme Coordinator, Mr Jeremy Turner, from FAO, who welcomed the participants (see Annex I) and expressed the satisfaction of FAO on the formal start of the activities of the Project. He noted the presence of the three other Projects under the Common Oceans Programme, and briefed the participants on the progress of the Programme that had its meeting of the Global Steering Committee earlier in the day. The Global Project Coordinator, Mr Alejandro Anganuzzi, noted the presence of some of the partners that had not been able to attend the Inception Workshop, such as ACAP, FFA and OSPESCA, as well as the presence, via telephone, of representatives of the Governement of Fiji, and Birdlife South Africa (Published in 2014).