[LME:LEARN Policy Brief] Gender Mainstreaming: Improvement of Livelihoods in Coastal Fishing Communities
To be successful, initiatives aimed at the betterment of lives and the environment must recognize women’s frequent roles as primary land and resource managers and weigh the different ways women and men consider conservation and sustainable use incentives. Of equal importance is to recognize that women and girls often carry the responsibility of water collection and household water use. DISCLAIMER: These publications may be reproduced in whole or in part and in any form for educational or non-profit purposes without special permission from the copyright holder, provided acknowledgment of the source is made. For bibliographic purposes, this policy brief should be cited as: GEF LME:LEARN, 2020. Gender Mainstreaming: Improvement of Livelihoods in Coastal Fishing Communities. Paris, France.
9909: Sustainable Management of the Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem Programme