International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Experience Note: Updating a Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis as Part of Adaptive Management

2008: The GEF Black Sea Ecosystem Recovery Project (BSERP) supports regional aspects of the GEF Strategic Partnership for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube/Black Sea Basin and it assists and strengthens the role of the Black Sea Commission (of the Bucharest Convention for the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution). The BSERP ensures the provision of a suite of harmonised legal and policy instruments for tackling the problems of eutrophication and the release of certain hazardous substances in order to facilitate ecosystem recovery. The first Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis was finalised in June 1996, and formed the basis of a comprehensive SAP. The original (1996) Black Sea TDA didn’t contain many of the items that a modern TDA should contain. It therefore became very clear than in updating it, a new approach and structure was required. The document utilises GEF TDA-SAP good practice in terms of its content, including causal chains, governance, socio-economic, stakeholders and hot-spots analyses, together with the identification and examination of major transboundary problems. This note offers a broad scope of analysis and lessons-learned on how to go about revising and updating a TDA, a critical element of adaptive management. Key lessons cover investment and staff-time required, scope and context, and methodologies on how to successfully implement the activity. Thus, this experience offers practical advice to other projects seeking to update and revise TDAs, overcoming the inevitable difficulties of doing so, to reflect changing environmental conditions. Bill Parr Black Sea Ecosystem Recovery Project

1580: Control of Eutrophication, Hazardous Substances and Related Measures for Rehabilitating the Black Sea Ecosystem: Phase 1

27 Nov 2014

Experience Note: Updating a Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis as Part of Adaptive Management.pdf

Experience Notes