Project Document: Implementation of The Dnipro Basin Strategic Action Program for the Reduction of Persistent Toxics Pollution
The project builds on the previous GEF investment in the Dnipro basin which led to the development and country adoption of the Dnipro Strategic Action Programme (SAP). The objective of the project is to begin implementation of the ministerially approved SAP via governance reforms and demonstration projects aimed at reducing transboundary persistent toxic substances by small/medium size industries discharging through municipal waste systems in the Dnipro basin. The project will address its objective through the implementation of four major components; i) Conducting a series of Pilot Projects to introduce cleaner production methods to several medium sized industries discharging through municipal wastewater systems, including the development of sustainable financing mechanisms and local regulation and monitoring procedures; ii) Developing a comprehensive Transboundary Monitoring and Indicators Program which will provide information on the status and progress of the SAP implementation program to Dnipro Basin management bodies; iii) Facilitating the introduction of harmonized environmental legislation which will improve monitoring procedures, strengthen regulatory and legal frameworks including, inter alia, those governing cleaner technologies; iv) Establishing key institutional and management structures within the wider SAP management bodies.