Policy and legal reforms and implementation of investment projects for pollution control and nutrient reduction in the Danube River Basin Countries
The Danube is the most international river in the world. Thirteen countries together comprise 99% of the territory of the basin and a further five countries have small amounts of land area in the basin. These thirteen major countries and the European Union signed the Danube River Protection Convention in 1994, that committed them to coordinated management of water resources. To coordinate the work under the Convention the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) was founded. The ICPDR has established a secretariat based in Vienna and developed a work group structure involving the input of experts from each of the countries. This report summarizes achievements that have been realized through work of the countries under the ICPDR. A focus of this analysis is on identifying the challenges that remain in order to streamline and target the implementation of the Strategic Partnership towards its objectives and indicators for further reinforcement of cooperation in the Danube – Black Sea Region.