'Flowing Freely' - How to Improve Access to Environmental Information and Enhance Public Participation in Water Management
The DRPwas launched in 2001 as a part of a larger GEF Strategic Partnership for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube and Black Sea. 13 Danube countries, NGOs, the EU and the ICPDR are cooperating to improve the environment of the Danube River Basin, protect its waters and sustainably manage its natural resources. The DRP’s main goal is to strengthen the capacity of the ICPDR and Danube countries to cooperate in implementing the Danube River Protection Convention and EU Water Framework Directive. The key project activities focused on: i) Danube River Basin management; ii) agriculture pollution control through the application of best agricultural practices; iii) industrial and municipal activities, in particular advising on reduction of phosphates use in laundry detergents and assistance to water and wastewater utility managers with decision-making tools for pricing and investments; iv) enhancing public participation through supporting the Danube NGO network - DEF, awareness raising campaigns, a small grants program, capacity building for officials to implement the requirements of the EUWFD and supporting the ICPDR communication activities; v) wetlands restoration and management for nutrient reduction.