International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Essential Facilitation Skills

Facilitation of meetings demands mastery of a lot of skills. Just knowing a set of moderation tools is certainly not enough. You would not like a graduated medical student with a major in surgery to perform an operation on your heart! On the other side, you might accept his assistance under the supervision of an experienced doctor. The same refers to facilitation skills. Learning is about practise and reflection. Alfred Bandura, one of the leading researchers on learning processes, has developed a simple model which helps you to understand what happens if you start to master a new skill1. It works under the assumption that the objective of apprenticeship is to acquire unconscious competence in parts of your capabilities.

1460: Strengthening the Implementation Capacities for Nutrient Reduction and Transboundary Cooperation in the Danube River Basin-Phase I Project

06 May 2010


Essential Facilitation Skills.pdf
