International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

UNDP/GEF Danube Regional Project Strengthening the Implementation Capacities for Nutrient Reduction and Transboundary Cooperation in the Danube River Basin - Final Report Development of a Strategy and Concept of Reporting by the ICPDR

The objective of this assignment is to propose an overall concept/strategy of reporting by the ICPDR, taking into account the reporting obligations under the Danube Convention, investment activities and policy measures identified in the ICPDR-JAP and the DABLAS Task Force. This assignment is not addressing a concept/strategy for reporting obligations by the CP to each other, but addresses specifically the role of the Commission, supported by the Secretariat, in reporting to the CP and the public. The recommended concept and strategy should be feasible and affordable also after 2006. This report presents the results of this assignment.

1460: Strengthening the Implementation Capacities for Nutrient Reduction and Transboundary Cooperation in the Danube River Basin-Phase I Project

06 May 2010


UNDP/GEF Danube Regional Project Strengthening the Implementation Capacities for Nutrient Reduction and Transboundary Cooperation in the Danube River Basin - Final Report Development of a Strategy and Concept of Reporting by the ICPDR.pdf
