International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Programmes for the development of environmental education in the region of peipsi

Underlying the need to enhance education which would support sustainable development, the United Nation General Assembly, in 2002, proclaimed a ‘Decade of Education for Sustainable Development’ (2005-2014) [1]. The plan for sustainable development of the Baltic Sea region – Baltic Agenda 21 was adopted in 1998. Aiming at the implementation of Baltic 21, the ministers of the Baltic countries convened in 2000 and signed the so-called Haga Declaration, agreeing that in the promotion of sustainable development, the main emphasis has to be put on education, training and public participation

1444: Development and Implementation of the Lake Peipsi/Chudskoe Basin Management Programme

06 Apr 2010


Programmes for the development of environmental education in the region of peipsi.pdf
