International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

GCLME newsletter for April, 2006

From 10 - 14 April, the GCLME project organized a Regional Workshop of Pollution and Ecosystem Health Working Group in Accra, Ghana, at the conference room of the Regional Coordination Unit. The Workshop with one of its main objectives as "to improve the "Training manual for the Development of National Programme of Action on the Land-Based Activities (NPA/LBA) of the Global Programme of Action (GPA)" and the "Marine Pollution Monitoring Manual" was officially opened by the Ghanaian Minister for Environment and Science, Honourable Christine Churcher.

1188: Combating Living Resource Depletion and Coastal Area Degradation in the Guinea Current LME through Ecosystem-based Regional Actions

09 Apr 2010


GCLME newsletter for April, 2006.pdf