International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

NTEAP Newsletter Vol 4 - Issue 1

This issue of the Nile Environment has focused on the Nile day celebrations because of its historical importance and its significance in raising awareness in a concerted manner on the challenges of achieving the vision of NBI. The fact that many countries had environmentally related activities as part of the celebrations is a manifestation of the need to put environment in the forefront as we trek the path of sustainable development. We in the NTEAP salute the Executive Director of NBI and Nile Secretariat at large for translating the decision of the NBDF into action, and we take this opportunity to congratulate the riparians for a successful Nile Day celebrations.

1094: Nile Transboundary Environmental Action Project, Phase I

23 Apr 2010


NTEAP Newsletter Vol 4 - Issue 1.pdf
