PEMSEA newsletter Vol. IV Issue No.04 (April 2003)
Wastes can become investment opportunities creating income, employment and livelihood and at the same time improving the environment. PEMSEA organized the Investors Roundtable on Environmental Investment Opportunities in the Manila Bay Area on 6 May 2003 to provide a venue for learning about potential environmental investment projects. The event was co-hosted by the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) and co-organized by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), the Management Association of the Philippines (MAP), and the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI).
597: Building Partnerships for the Environmental Protection and Management of the East Asian Seas
PEMSEA newsletter Vol. IV Issue No.04 (April 2003).pdf
Gulf of Thailand (LME)
Sulu-Celebes Sea (LME)
South China Sea (LME)
East China Sea (LME)
Yellow Sea (LME)