South China Sea Project Document for Cambodias Kampot Seagrass Habitat Demonstration Site
The seagrass meadows are located in parallel to the coastline of Prek Ampil, which extends 150-300m from the shoreline in front of Bokor National Park. The area has a gentle slope with the depth of the site varying from 1-4m, depending on tide level. The substrate consists of a mixture of sand and mud and the climate is tropical monsoon with a clear distinction between wet and dry seasons. The dry season runs from November to May while the wet season is from May to October. Mean annual temperature is around 26 – 27oC. Visibility in the water is dependent on the season, with reduced visibility during the wet season. Much freshwater runoff during heavy rainfall influences salinity which ranges from 25 – 30 ppt. Sea surface temperatures range from 26 - 30°C.
885: Reversing Environmental Degradation Trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand (SCS)
South China Sea Project Document for Cambodias Kampot Seagrass Habitat Demonstration Site.pdf