Science for the Conservation of Coastal Ecosystems: case study on the development of seagrass management demonstration site at the East Bintan coastal area
This article shows the process in developing a proposal of seagrass management at East Bintan. The East Bintan seagrass bed covers large area and surrounded by several villages, hamlets and resort sites. Therefore, the priority seagrass sites should be selected in order to be able to manage effectively. A set of criteria which include ecological and socio-economic variables were developed as a tool for selecting the seagrass priority sites. A survey of seagrass inventory and its associated organism as well as mapping was conducted in 2004. A socio-economic survey on the community profile of the surrounding villages including threats on the seagrass was also conducted.. The data collected during the survey were used as input in developing the selection criteria. The ecological and socio-economic criteria were divided into several sub-criteria, and each sub-criteria was divided into several indicators. Each sub-criteria and indicators were then weighted and scored. The maximum total amount of weigh and score are 100.
885: Reversing Environmental Degradation Trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand (SCS)