South China Sea Project Document for the Philippines Masinloc Coral Reef Habitat Demonstration Site
There are several initiatives that have been made which are linked to national priorities, action plans and programmes. It was in 1991 when the local government code was legislated under Republic Act 7061. The Republic Act 8550 and the Fisheries Code was then formulated in 1998. Both enactments support the local governments primary role in marine sanctuary management and coastal resources management. In 2001 the Wildlife Act under Republic Act 9147 was made for the protection of biodiversity and regulation of bioperspectives and research in the Philippines. For the management of marine protected areas and sanctuaries, the National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS) Act and Republic Act 8435, Agriculture & Fisheries Modernization respectively have been instruments that have been used to support activities on site. It was also in 1994 where the Oyon Bay was declared as protected seascape thus facilitating the establishment of an environment fund. Republic Act 8435, Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization was also established for the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples, and also technical support especially research in the area.
885: Reversing Environmental Degradation Trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand (SCS)