2011 Results Notes - CN-Ship Waste Disposal Project
1. Construction and commissioning of wastewater facilities in six ports. 2. Treatment of Chemically Contaminated Wastewaters. To meet the requirements of treating wastewater, the Port Authorities required a system that was robust and simple to operate but could deal with a variety of chemically contaminated wastewater. A detailed study was conducted and the recommended system was adopted by the ports constructing facilities for such wastewater. 3. Oil Spill Response and Contingency Plan. A generic Tier 1 plan (port level spill) was developed and refined for each of the six project ports and the plan was adopted for all ports in China. The study included several scoping workshops and an oil spill response training exercise and the success of this exercise has led to making this an annual exercise hosted by different ports. 4. Cost Recovery and Port Fee Schedule Changes. A unified national fee schedule, representing costs of new and existing waste reception facilities, was implemented and provided for sufficient funds to cover expenses. 5. Ship Waste Tracking System (SEATRAC). A software was developed and installed to provide a database linking the six ports and Ministry of Communications (MOC). The database for (a) a means of tracking waste and ship traffic; (b) inventory of wastes processed by type and location and (c) a database of environmental data generated by the routine water and air quality monitoring programs. 6. Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) Multilateral Study. An LME study was conducted to provide a baseline of conditions for areas which include territorial waters of more than one country and associated international waters.
2011 Results Notes - CN-Ship Waste Disposal Project.pdf