2011 Results Notes - Strategic Action Programme for the Bi-national Basin of the Bermejo
2011-results-notes-strategic-action-programme-for-the-bi-national-basin-of-the-bermejo 2011 Results Notes - Strategic Action Programme for the Bi-national Basin of the Bermejo INTERNATIONAL WATERS RESULTS NOTES http://www.iwlearn.net/results 28-09-2011 Strategic Action Programme for the Bi-national Basin of the Bermejo GEF ID#: 176 GEF Agency Project ID# GF/1010-01-05 (UNEP), Project Status: Completed 1. RESULTS: STRESS REDUCTION INDICATOR#1 (Soil management and erosion control in critical areas) The battle to control erosion involved introducing cattle-raising management practices to reduce grazing pressure and erosion control, communal practices regarding grazing land use, protective reforestation, implementation of forest nurseries and waste management in small communities, and the introduction of small-scale erosion and sediment control works, micro-irrigation systems, and sustainable land use and agricultural production practice in Bolivia.
176: Strategic Action Programme for Binational Basin of the Rio Bermejo
2011 Results Notes - Strategic Action Programme for the Bi-national Basin of the Bermejo .pdf