Cidade de Maputo
South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Project
The objectives of the Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Project (SWIOFP) are to (i) identify and study exploitable offshore fish stocks within the Project Area, and differentiate between environmental and anthropogenic impacts on shared fisheries; (ii) develop institutional and human capacity through training and career building; (iii) develop a regional fisheries management structure and associated harmonized legislation; and (iv) mainstream biodiversity in national fisheries management policy and through national participation in regional organizations that promote sustainable exploitation o f fisheries resources. There are 6 components to the Project. COMPONENT 1 is Data GAP Analysis, Data Archiving and Information Technology including; Subcomponent 1: Fisheries data collection and evaluation; Subcomponent 2: Compiling of a data atlas for SWIOFP; Subcomponent 3: Establishment of Information Technology, data handling and communications systems. COMPONENT 2: Assessment and Sustainable Utilization of Crustaceans, including; Subcomponent 1 is Assessment of deep-water crustaceans, and Subcomponent 2: Assessment of shallow-water crustaceans. COMPONENT 3 is Assessment and Sustainable Utilization of Demersal Fishes, including; Subcomponent 1: Assessment of deep-water demersal fish, and Subcomponent 2: Assessment of shallower water demersal fish. COMPONENT 4 is Assessment and Sustainable Utilization of Pelagic Fish, including; Subcomponent 1: Assessment of large pelagic species, Subcomponent 2: Assessment o f small pelagic species, and Subcomponent 3: Assessment of super small pelagic species. COMPONENT 5 is Mainstreaming Biodiversity in National and Regional Fisheries Management, including; Subcomponent 1: Assessing of the state of knowledge of non-consumptive resources and marine biodiversity, Subcomponent 2: Identification of key biodiversity values; Subcomponent 3 Identification of interactions with fisheries including bi-catch; and Subcomponent 4 Identification of bio-indicators of ecosystem health. COMPONENT 6 is Strengthening Regional and National Fisheries Management, including; Subcomponent 1: Identification of relevant national and international legislation and other instruments relevant to the Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Project (SWIOFP) goal; Subcomponent 2: Harmonization of legislation between countries; and Subcomponent 3: Development of regional resource management structures and capacity.
1082: Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Project (SWIOFP)