International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

The document library includes a wide array of outputs from projects (reports, presentations, case studies, terms of reference) as well as other content of interest to GEF International waters. Project managers and GEF International Waters staff are invited to give their feedback or submit case studies, ToRs, or other documentation to be included in the document library (

Filter: Nutrient Reduction
23 Jan 2020 - newsletter - project: 4343 - English 3rd Asia-Pacific - Regional Network Newsletter 2020
“ASIA-PACIFIC” is an annual newsletter, featuring previous and upcoming activities taking place within the Asia-Pacific Regional Network. In this edition you will find articles on Indo-Pacific Mackerel in the Gulf of Thailand, Data and Information...
28 Aug 2019 - outreach-material - project: 2263 - English [BSERP] Final Seminar Presentation: Achievements and Results of Pilot Projects, Results and Scaling-up
A presentation about the BSERP's ICZM Pilot Projects, Pilot Monitoring Exercises, Kamchyia River Basin Management Project, Vessel Traffic Oil Pollution Information System (VTOPIS), Mykolaiv Water & Sewerage Project, Crimea Regional Water & Sewerag...
23 May 2019 - report - English (Nutrient Reduction / Best Management Practice) Hungary - Reduction of Nutrient Discharges
The key development and global environmental objectives of the project will be achieved through:(i) the development of tertiary treatment (nutrient removal) at the North Budapest WastewaterTreatment Plant(NBWWTP); (ii) the rehabilitation of wetlan...
23 May 2019 - report - English (Nutrient Reduction / Best Management Practice) Danube River Basin - Boosting capacities for nutrient reduction and transboundary co-operation
The Danube Regional Project (DRP) was established as a component of the GEF’s strategic partnership on nutrient reduction in the Danube/Black Sea Basin. The overall objective was to reduce nutrient loading into the Danube River and its tributaries...
23 May 2019 - report - English (Nutrient Reduction / Best Management Practice) Prespa Lake - Integrated Ecosystem Management. Intervention 2: Reducing Environmental Impacts of Agriculture
The project focused on collaboration with local apple farmers to lower production costs and enhance productivity while reducing negative impacts on the lake’s ecosystem from the unsustainable use of pesticides, fertilisers and irrigation water. It...
23 May 2019 - report - English (Nutrient Reduction / Best Management Practice) Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova - Best Agricultural Practice on my Farm
The project aimed to increase the cooperation between local public authorities (LPA), farmers, local population, environmental and agriculture field NGOs etc. to promote the use of the best agriculture practices to reduce and prevent nutrient and t...
23 May 2019 - report - project: 2746 - English [Nutrient Reduction/Best Management Practice] Moldova - Agricultural Pollution Control Project
The overall objective of the Agricultural Pollution Control Project in Moldova was to reduce nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorous) pollution from agricultural sources in the river Danube and the Black Sea. The project assisted the Government of Mold...
23 May 2019 - report - project: 2746 - English [Nutrient Reduction/Best Management Practice] Danube River Enterprise Pollution Reduction Project (DREPR)
The objective of this project is to reduce nutrient loads discharged into the Danube River and its tributaries from livestock farms (i.e.,pig and cattle farms) as well as slaughter houses.
23 May 2019 - report - project: 2746 - English [Nutrient Reduction/Best Management Practice] Russia and Estonia - Development and Implementation of the Lake Peipsi/Chudskoe Basin Management Programme
The overall objective of the project was to develop and start implementation of the Lake Peipsi/Chudskoe Basin Management Programme. This effort included practical recommendations for nutrient load reduction and prevention and the sustainable conse...
23 May 2019 - report - project: 2746 - English [Nutrient Reduction/Best Management Practice] Bosnia and Herzegovina - Water Quality Protection Project
The goal of the project is to further strengthen the capacity of local utilities and to reduce the amount of pollution discharged into the rivers Neretva and Bosna from municipal sources.
23 May 2019 - report - project: 2746 - English [Nutrient Reduction/Best Management Practice] Bulgaria - Sustainable Land Management Project
The overall goal of the project was to enhance capacity for preventing land degradation and establish a coherent and sustainable land management policy that contributes to protecting ecosystem health, integrity, functions and services, while promo...
23 May 2019 - report - project: 2746 - English [Nutrient Reduction/Best Management Practice] Bulgaria - Developing a Model for Sustainable Water and Waste Management for Rural Areas in Bulgaria
The Earth Forever Foundation has implemented the project in two villages in the municipality of Stara Zagora. All stakeholders (representatives of the government and the local government, experts, young people, villagers, NGOs etc.) participated i...
22 May 2019 - report - project: 2746 - English [Nutrient Reduction/Best Management Practice] Danube Regional Project Small Grants: The Reduction of Nutrient Pollution in the Danube Basin through the Promotion and Use of Good Agricultural Practices
The project focused on increasing cooperation between local authorities in Moldova, farmers, local inhabitants, and environmental and agricultural NGOs to promote the use of best agricultural practices that have reduced or prevented nutrient and t...
22 May 2019 - report - project: 2746 - English [Nutrient Reduction/Best Management Practice] Albania - Constructed Wetland for Nutrient Reductions in the Waters of the Tirana River
The objective of this project is to reduce nutrient pollution in the Tirana River by developingand evaluating the“first ever” constructed wetland system in Albania along the banks of the river.
22 May 2019 - report - project: 2746 - English [Nutrient Reduction/Best Management Practice] Anatolia - Anatolia Watershed Rehabilitation Project
The purpose of this project is to implement sustainable natural resource management practices in order to raise incomes in communities impacted by resource degradation in 28 micro-catchments in the Anatolia and Black Sea regions of Turkey.
22 May 2019 - report - project: 2746 - English [Nutrient Reduction/Best Management Practice] Baltic Sea - The Baltic Sea Regional Project
The aim of the project was to facilitate the implementation of an ecosystem-based approach to natural resources management in the Baltic Sea. The project comprised two thematic components -- Component1: Promoting the large marine ecosystem approac...
20 May 2019 - report - project: 2746 - English [Nutrient Reduction/Best Management Practice] Bulgaria - Wetlands Restoration and Pollution Reduction Project
The global environmental objective of the project is to serve as a model for the reduction of transboundary nutrient pollution loads flowing into the Danube River and Black Sea basins, while conserving important endangered species in the protected...
20 May 2019 - report - project: 2746 - English [Nutrient Reduction/Best Management Practice] Croatia - Agricultural Pollution Control Project
The project aims to significantly increase the use of environmentally friendly agricultural practices by farmers in the Danube River basin in order to reduce nutrient discharge from agricultural sources to surface and groundwater bodies. Strategies...
20 May 2019 - report - project: 2746 - English [Nutrient Reduction/Best Management Practice] Hungary - Sződrákos Creek Program – Phase 2
The Tavirózsa Association, an NGO, implemented a wetlands rehabilitation demonstration project to reduce the nutrient pollution of lakes from a poorly managed sewage system. The project focused on the 132 square kilometre catchment of Sződrákos Cr...
20 May 2019 - report - project: 2746 - English [Nutrient Reduction/Best Management Practice] Poland - Rural Environmental Protection Project
The Baltic Sea Strategic Action Plan estimates that 30 to 40 percent of the nitrogen and 10 percent of the phosphorous entering the sea come from agriculture, and the eutrophic conditions they cause is the top priority transboundary water challeng...




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