International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

The document library includes a wide array of outputs from projects (reports, presentations, case studies, terms of reference) as well as other content of interest to GEF International waters. Project managers and GEF International Waters staff are invited to give their feedback or submit case studies, ToRs, or other documentation to be included in the document library (

Filter: Coastal Hypoxia
19 Nov 2018 - presentation - English Session 6: Trends in coastal pollution: Global assessment (Sanchez Cabeza, Marrakesh 2018)
Presentation at the 20th Annual LME Consultative Meeting held in Marrakesh, Morocco, from 3-4 November 2018. Joan Albert Sanchez Cabeza, UNAM, Mexico.
06 Sep 2018 - publication - English Frameworks and indicators for assessing progress in integrated coastal management initiatives (2003)
The fundamental purpose of all integrated coastal management (ICM) initiatives is to maintain, restore or improve specified qualities of coastal ecosystems and their associated human societies. A defining feature of ICM is that it addresses needs ...
14 Sep 2014 - sap - project: 596 Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for the Caspian Sea
This document is the first updating of the SAP prepared under the Caspian Environment Programme. The revision process reviewed the implementation of all SAP interventions at the national and regional level, including target dates and indicators. D...
14 Sep 2014 - sap - project: 885 - English Strategic Action Programme for the South China Sea
During the Project Development Phase from 1996 to 2001 and in accordance with the GEF Operational Strategy activities were undertaken at the national and regional level to prepare national reports of water-related environmental issues and problems...
21 May 2014 - publication Hypoxia and nutrient reduction in the coastal zone: advice for prevention, remediation and research
This is a Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP) advisory document. STAP concludes that the growing problem of coastal hypoxia requires accelerated GEF attention. Hypoxia is caused by eutrophication, i.e., the overloading of waters with n...




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