1. Introduction

This Governance “toolkit” provides an introduction into governance concepts relevant for Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) practitioners.

The Large Marine Ecosystems Governance Toolkit (in further text : Governance Toolkit) provides an introduction into governance concepts relevant for Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) practitioners. The Governance Toolkit aims to offer the GEF LME: LEARN project leads and partners a practical resource on governance approaches and lessons learned from GEF LME: LEARN projects and other initiatives. It aims to promote an integrated, collaborative approach to ocean and coastal management and is part of a larger LME Toolkit series that provides information and tools on other critical issues for LME management.

The GEF LME:LEARN Governance Working Group has contributed to the development of this toolkit through physical meetings and by correspondence throughout 2017.

1.1Benefits of LMEs to SDGs

As a regional framework and a science-informed process, the LME approach can be an engine for achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, especially Sustainable Development Goal 14 – Conserve and Sustainably Use the Oceans, Seas and Marine Resources for Sustainable Development. Find more information about how GEF programming through the LME Approach is already contributing to achieving the ten SDG 14 targets, and how country-endorsed SAPs under implementation can contribute to achieving the targets at https://www.iwlearn.net/documents/23964