GEF LME:LEARN is a program to improve global ecosystem-based governance of Large Marine Ecosystems and their coasts by generating knowledge, building capacity, harnessing public and private partners and supporting south-to-south learning and north-to-south learning. A key element of this improved governance is main-streaming cooperation between LME, MPA, and ICM projects in overlapping areas, both for GEF projects and for non-GEF projects. This Full-scale project plans to achieve a multiplier effect using demonstrations of learning tools and toolboxes, to aid practitioners and other key stakeholders, in conducting and learning from GEF projects.
Project Components
1Global and regional network of partners to enhance ecosystem-based management and to provide support for the GEF LME/ICM/MPA projects to address their needs and incorporate climate variability and change considerations.
2Synthesis and incorporation of knowledge into policymaking; capture of best LME governance practices; and development of new methods and tools to enhance the management effectiveness of LMEs and to incorporate ICM, MPAs and climate variability and change, including the five LME Approach modules.
3Capacity and partnership building through twinning and learning exchanges, workshops, and training among LMEs and similar initiatives.
4Communication, dissemination and outreach of GEF LME/ICM/MPA project achievements and lessons learned.