LME Scorecard

The Large Marine Ecosystem Scorecard measures the management effectiveness in Large Marine Ecosystems, which include seascapes, Large Marine Protected Areas, locally marine managed areas, etc.

The Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) Management Effectiveness Scorecard provides LME managers and stakeholders with a tool to quickly evaluate management effectiveness to help improve decision making in LME implementation. Once completed by users, the scorecard will provide basic guidance that allow users to prioritize their efforts and determine tools to improve towards management targets. The goal of the scorecard is to provide LME managers and stakeholders with a dynamic approach for assessing their management performance against conservation and sustainable use standards, anchored on ecosystem-based management principles. The tool is tailored to relate with the ecological, governance, and social context of LMEs. The tool can be applied both at national, subnational scales, and at LME level, allowing the tool to provide a regional vision for effective management according to regional and national goals. 
The scorecard should be completed by the LME manager either with a core set of relevant actors, or with comprehensive group representative of all the stakeholders within the LME area. The application of this tool not only allows LME stakeholders to consolidate a baseline of the current management status of the area and to monitor management effectiveness over time, but also provides a vehicle to strengthen stakeholder engagement and participation to strengthen integrated and effective management of an LME.   

Download the LME Scorecard Guidance Note

Download the LME Scorecard Spreadsheet Template