International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network


07 Dec 2017
This page contains all presentation slides from the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance, 27-28 November 2017 in Cape Town, South Africa

Presentations are available organized by session: 

Session 1: Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics or…..Comparing apples, oranges, lemons & kumquats (Hudson, Cape Town 2017)   
Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 27-28 November 2017. Andrew Hudson, United Nations Dev...
Session 2 - Review of the objectives and agenda of the meeting (Trumbic, Cape Town 2017)   
Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 27-28 November 2017.
Session 2 - Delivering Adaptive Ocean Management through Collaborative Governance (Vousden, Cape Town 2017)   
David Vousden, Professor of Ocean Governance Rhodes University. Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” to be held in Cape Town, South Af...
Session 2 - Instruments and Mechanisms for Ocean Governance (Lugten, Cape Town 2017)   
Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 27-28 November 2017.
Sustainable Ocean Initiative Global Dialogue with Regional Seas Organizations and Regional Fishery Bodies (Bax, Cape Town 2017)   
Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 27-28 November 2017.
Session 2 - Panel discussion: Opportunities for cooperation between major stakeholders through their institutional perspectives (Tandstad, Cape Town 2017)   
Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 27-28 November 2017.
Session 2 - The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) Of UNESCO (Ryabinin, Cape Town 2017)   
Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 27-28 November 2017.
Session 3 - Science partnerships supporting ocean and coastal governance (Isensee, Cape Town 2017)   
Kirsten Isensee Project Specialist Ocean Science Section IOC-UNESCO Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” to be held in Cape Town, Sou...
Session 3 - Regional scientific cooperation on Eastern Boundaries upwelling impacts (Garcon, Cape Town 2017)   
Veronique Garcon CNRS - LEGOS, Toulouse, France Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 27-28...
Session 3 - Science processes within regional fisheries organizations (Tandstad/Srour, Cape Town 2017)   
Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 27-28 November 2017.
Session 3 - Sustained ocean observation networks and applications (Bax, Cape Town 2017)   
Sustained ocean observation networks and applications to strengthen understanding of ecosystem function and biodiversity changes at regional level Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem A...
Session 3 - Regional Marine Protected Areas Networks - Delivering Science for Ocean Governance (Wenzel, Cape Town 2017)   
Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 27-28 November 2017.
Session 3 - Setting up collaborative research goals to support EBM implementation (Mahon, Cape Town 2017)   
Setting up collaborative research goals to support EBM implementation: From regional science plan to Action plan - Experience from the Caribbean (Robin Mahon, Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies –CERMES, Barbados) Presentatio...
Session 3 - Regional Science Networks: Example of the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association, (Julius Francis, WIOMSA, Cape Town 2017)   
Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 27-28 November 2017.
Session 4 - The Science–Policy/Decision-Making Interface: How can science inform effective regional ocean governance? (Brown, Cape Town 2017)   
Robin Brown Executive Secretary PICES – North Pacific Marine Science Organization Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” to be held in ...
Session 4 - How science can inform effective regional ecosystem-based ocean governance (Hamukuaya, Cape Town 2017)   
Hashali Hamukuaya, Executive Secretary, Benguela Current Commission Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” to be held in Cape Town, Sout...
Session 4 - Science mechanisms in regional fisheries bodies (Alder, Cape Town 2017)   
Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 27-28 November 2017.
Session 4 - Implementing Effective Science-Policy Mechanisms: the Mediterranean Experience (Leone, Cape Town 2017)   
Gaetano Leone, Coordinator, UN Environment/MAP-Barcelona Convention Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” to be held in Cape Town, Sout...
Session 5 - EAF Nansen Programme - A Partnership for the Future (Tandstad, Cape Town 2017)   
Building regional knowledge and technical capacity for Ecosystem Approach to Marine Fisheries: Example of the EAF Nansen Programme (Merete Tandstad, FAO) Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosy...
Session 4 - Strengthening regional ocean governance in ABNJ (Thomas, Cape Town 2017)   
Hannah Thomas, Senior Programme Officer, Marine Programme, UNEP-WCMC Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” to be held in Cape Town, Sou...
Session 5-LAC - LAC Region Breakout: The CLME+ EXPERIENCE - (Debels, Cape Town 2017)   
Patrick Debels Regional Coordinator, UNDP/GEF CLME+ Project Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” to be held in Cape Town, South Africa...
Session 5LAC - Permanent Commission for the South Pacific (Reyna, Cape Town 2017)   
CNRA JULIÁN REYNA M. SECRETARY GENERAL Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 27-28 November ...
Session 5LAC - Building science policy interfaces: some experiences from the Caribbean (Mahon, Cape Town 2017)   
Robin Mahon, Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies (CERMES) University of the West Indies, Barbados Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regio...
Session 5AFR - Role of partnerships for long-term monitoring and opportunities for collaborative research (Korenteng, Cape Town 2017)   
Kwame Koranteng Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 27-28 November 2017.
Session 5AFR - Challenges and opportunities in cooperation between institutional actors (Vousden, Cape Town 2017)   
David Vousden, Professor of Ocean Governance at Rhodes University, South Africa, Consultant to United Nations on Ocean and Coastal Management and Governance Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ec...
Session 5AFR - Environment and Fisheries Partnership for the implementation of the CCLME project (Sambe, Cape Town 2017)   
Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 27-28 November 2017.
Session 5LAC - LAC Region Breakout - Steering the Discussions (Debels, Cape Town 2017)   
Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 27-28 November 2017.
Session 5-Asia, Regional cooperation in the governance of tuna fisheries (Walton, Cape Town 2017)   
Hugh Walton, Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA). Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 27-28 Novem...
Session 5-Asia, the BOB LME partnership (Hermes, Cape Town 2017)   
Rudolf Hermes. Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 27-28 November 2017.
Session 5-Asia, Integrated management of critical coastal habitat in East Asian Seas (Tamelander, Cape Town 2017)   
Jerker Tamelander, COBSEA/UN Environment. Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 27-28 Novemb...
Session 5-Asia, Climate change impacts in the Pacific, lessons learned from the GEF-OFMP project (Allain, Cape Town 2017)   
Valerie Allain, SPC. Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 27-28 November 2017.
Session 5-Asia, Use of science in coastal planning: ICZM Plan of the State of Odisha, India (Shukla, Cape Town 2017)   
Anuja Shukla, IPE Global. Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 27-28 November 2017.
Session 5-Asia, Bridging the gap in management of fisheries resources and ecosystems in the North Pacific ABNJ: Progress and challenges (Zavolokin, Cape Town, 2017)   
Aleksandr Zavolokin, North Pacific Fisheries Commission (NPFC). Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” to be held in Cape Town, South Af...
Session 4 - Ecosystem-related monitoring, assessments and management advices for the Norwegian, Barents and North Seas (van der Meeren, Cape Town 2017)   
Gro I. van der Meeren, Per Arneberg, Elena Eriksen, Mette Skern-Mauritzen, Lidvard Grønnevet Institute of Marine Research Presentation at the meeting Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Re...