Global Partnership for Mitigation of Underwater Noise from Shipping (GloNoise Partnership)
To establish a truly global partnership to engage and assist developing countries to raise awareness, build capacity, define baselines and promote international policy dialogue on the mitigation of underwater noise from shipping.
Co-financing by IMO IMO will provide significant co-financing levels via (1) direct IMO personnel time,
(2) cash input by the IMO and (3) the use of infrastructure of IMO and resources for facilitating the
government and industry participants at IMO MEPC and SDC Sub-Committee meetings. The IMO
contribution is estimated based on number of personnel engaged that is accounted as in-kind. Additionally,
the cost of IMO meeting rooms for international delegations attending MEPC and SDC meetings
throughout the project is counted as in-kind while extra amount of cash will be mobilized through the
Technical Cooperation activities of IMO mainly in support of the capacity building activities of the project.
This is counted as ?Investment Mobilized?. Co-financing by IMO Member States These are IMO member
States (see for full list) that take part in
various IMO meetings and technical working groups in support of international regulatory debates and rule
making. These member countries contribute to debate on mitigation of underwater noise via active
participation at (1) IMO MEPC meeting that is the highest international regulatory body for such debates
(3 meetings in two years); (2) Participation in the MEPC SDC Sub-Committee meeting on ship design that
takes place 2 times/year; (3) Participation in a dedicated Correspondence Group set up by MEPC/SDC to
deal with shipping underwater noise debate as inter-sessional activities between main meetings.
Participation in all these international efforts involves provision of in-kind and cash resources by member
governments that are used as the basis for estimation of co-financing levels. The level of co-financing is
estimated based on cost incurred by these governments for taking part at all these meetings (MEPC/SDC
Subcommittee and Correspondence Group) while considering a reasonable percentage of time spent by
each meeting on the subject of shipping underwater noise issue. ? The in-kind contribution is the estimated
using the cost of time of individuals taking part in the meetings. ? The ?grant? contribution is estimated
using the cost of travel to IMO in London, UK, inclusive of airfare, hotel and subsistence. In total and on
average, 900 attendees per MEPC/SDC meeting are assumed with a 5% (MEPC) and 10% (SDC) of
agenda time devoted to the noise issue. Part of the travel expenditure for such participation (5%) is
allocated towards co-financing of this project as Investment Mobilized. ? It is worth noting that as
examples of such meetings and their decisions, at MEPC 76, held in June 2021, the committee agreed to
include in the biennial agenda of the SDC (Ship Design and Construction) Sub-Committee for 2022-2023
an output on the "Review of the 2014 Guidelines for the reduction of underwater noise from commercial
shipping to address adverse impacts on marine life (MEPC.1/Circ.833) and identification of next steps",
with a target completion year of 2023 (MEPC 76/15, paragraph 12.3.1). Also, the SDC Sub-Committee at
its 8th session, held in February 2022, after considering a number of submissions on underwater noise
issue, agreed to a work plan for the review of the 2014 Guidelines. Also the SDC agreed to work and
progress on the subject inter-sessionally, established a Correspondence Group on Review of the Guidelines
for the Reduction of Underwater Noise to progress the work. With regard to participation in such meetings,
the number of registered participants for MEPC 77 has been 1548 while the participants at SDC 8 Subcommittee
have been 649. There is no data on the numbers of Member States and observer organizations in
the Correspondence Group but the Working Group on the issue was certainly well attended with 38
Member States and 18 observer organizations. The incremental co-financing ratio is about 1.74:1 that is
reasonable for a global Medium Size Project specially that considering that during PPG phase when LPCs
are chosen, significant additional co-financing will be secured as part of the LPCs LOES. In addition to
LPCs, it is expected that the joining players as part of GIA (Global Industry Alioance), GSP (Global
Strategic Partners) and will also commit additional co-financing both in terms of grant as well as in-kind.
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Documents & Resources |
General information | |
GEF ID | 10890 |
Project type | Medium-Size Project |
Status | active (Project Approved) |
Start Date | 01 Jan 2023 |
End Date | 31 Dec 2025 |
GEF characteristic: | |
Focal Area | International Waters |
GEF Allocation to project | USD 1,950,000 |
Total Cost of the project: | USD 14,077,500 |
Partners |
, Chile
, Costa Rica
, India
, South Africa
, Trinidad and Tobago
, Global
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) |
Project contacts |
Vladimir Mamaev
UNDP/GEF Regional Technical Advisor for International Waters for Europe, CIS and Arab States