International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Regionally Based Assessment of Persistent Toxic Substances (RBA-PTS)

The project is implemented within the context of the GEF Operational Program 10. The project will provide a measure of the nature and comparative severity of damage and threats posed at national, regional and ultimately at global levels by PTS. This will provide the GEF and UNEP with a science-based rationale for assigning priorities for action among and between chemical related environmental issues. Additional outcomes are: a greater awareness of PTS related environmental problems in developing countries; opportunities for bilateral or multilateral action; network building and co-operation within and between regions; stimulus for research through the identification of data gaps; and support to regional and international conventions. Data collection on sources, environmental levels and effects of persistent toxic substances on a regional basis, ongoing to December 2001, was completed 31 December 2001, with 3,400 pieces of data collected. More data expected during first quarter of 2002, will also be used in analysis. A GIS tool has been developed to analyse and sort data. The 2nd Steering Group meeting was held in Geneva, 2-3 October, 2001. The mid-term evaluation, positive overall, was conducted November 2001. Regional technical workshops are now being organised; the first, for the Europe region, was in Brussels, December 5-8, 2001.

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Documents & Resources
General information
Project type Full-Size Project
Status closed (Project Closure)
Start Date 18 Sep 2000
End Date 31 Dec 2003
GEF characteristic:
Focal Area International Waters
GEF Allocation to project USD 2,660,000
Total Cost of the project: USD 4,650,000
YES - See results data (14)

UN Environment (UNEP)

Project contacts
Paul Whylie GEF Project Manager - Regionally Based Assessment of Persistent Toxic Substances
Walter Jarman Programme Officer /IA Contact