Capacity Building for Small Island Developing States through SIDSNet
The project will serve to highlight the use of information technology in integrated ecosystem management and in sustainable development endeavors of relevance to the Rio conventions. The objectives will be to strengthen SIDSNet by imiproving the collection, organization and dissemination of information on good practices to address biodiversity conservation, climate change responses and international water management issues among AOSIS Member States, and to foster inter-SIDS sharing of experiences on the use of information technology as a sustinable development tool in the context of ecosystem management.
Implementation Status
SIDSnet continues to facilitate information for the International Meeting on the 10-year Review of the Barbados Programme of Action (BOoA +10) for the Sustainable Development of the Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The final preparations for the International Meeting were taken by the 12th Session of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD-12), April 14-30 2004. During CSD-12, SIDSnet provided a three-day demonstration of the network tools which included search engine, document submission and storage, island newswire, island development portal, mailing lists, and SIDS Roster of Experts. SIDSnet recently developed a roster of experts in collaboration with UNDP/Capacity 2015. SIDS have repeated requested this tool which would enable SIDS-SIDS cooperation and sharing of experiences and expertise. The roster will be fully operational by mid-May 2004.