Moldova: Environmental Infrastructure Project - under Strategic Partnership Investment Fund for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River Basin and the Black Sea - Results
Information sources
#1355: GEF3 IW Tracking Tool (2010), #1355: IWC6 Results Note (2011), #1355: UNEP Terminal Evaluatio (2012), #1542: GEF 4 Tracking Tool (2010), #1542: GEF 3 IW Tracking Tool (2010)
Key Basin Project Results
1. Reduction in nutrient loads to local soil and water bodies in project area: Installation of manure management systems, including construction of manure platforms, adequate manure storage facilities and training in optimum application of manure as fertilizers as well as implementation of environmentally friendly agricultural practices such as shrub and tree planting led to a significant decrease in nutrient loads entering soil and water bodies from agricultural sources.
2. Increased awareness of environmental issues among agro-processors and farmers: A broad nation-wide public awareness program of project benefits led to a significant increase in the percentage of farmers recognizing the importance of mainstreaming environmental considerations in agriculture and
implementing environmentally friendly agricultural practices.
3. Development of institutional and human capacity: Staff in relevant agencies/institutes such as the Soil Institute were trained in good agricultural practices as well as monitoring soil and water quality. Capacity building among agricultural advisors will ensure dissemination of project benefits for years to
come and increased potential for large-scale replication of project activities.
Catalytic Impacts
Effective use of the methodologies and expert teams of the Yangtze Project has led to the initiation of the “Ecological Function Assessment and Monitoring in the Disaster Prone Areas". MEP started to compile the “Ecological Function Assessment and Supervision Management Plan at Disaster Prone Area”. The outputs from the project including the ecosystem function assessment and monitoring methodologies were utilized for the Management Plan. The Management plan will cover 2,058 counties at 29 provinces in China, including the counties where the small and mid size rivers with flood control requirement are more than 200 km2 in basin area, also the counties located at key river and suffered from the flood geographic hazards; It is noted that the ecological function monitoring methodologies including water resource retention and soil stabilization under the Monitoring for disaster prone zones are developed on the basis of the MEWS from the Yangtze Project.
Sichuan Province Government are requiring other counties to replicate Baoxing IEM Models to other counties for ecological conservation purpose;
At Baoxing, IEM concepts and approaches were mainstreamed into the county development plan and thematic plans for year 2011-2015
Results data |
Agriculture pollution reduction practices
Year: N/A -
Value: 280,000 kg of N and 225,000 kg of P
INDICATOR#2: (a) Increased number of manure management facilities at household level; (b) Demand for project interventions by farmers outside pilot watershed area. (a) 40% of target achieved. The project was designed to install eight commune village stores together with 1,200 household manure storage facilities. However, only three villages with communal platforms and 450 individual platforms were supported by project end. (b) Dissemination of project benefits resulted in a high demand for project support outside the pilot watershed area. Three village platforms were built in two counties outside the pilot watershed area. Moreover, several villages outside the pilot area requested the blueprints for individual and communal platforms.INDICATOR#1: Improved water quality through N and P reductions in project area. Grants provided to agro-processors resulted in sustainable management of 83,000 tons of manure including use as fertilizer on 2,718 ha of agricultural land. Consequently, leakage into water streams of about 280 tons of N and 225 tons of P was avoided. Support was provided to seven agro-processing enterprises to construct wastewater treatment facilities with a total capacity of 290m3/day. Water quality tests conducted at treatment facility entry and exit points averaged a reduction in Ammonia Nitrogen N (NH4+) of about 13- 14 kg/day, when working at full capacity. At the household level, 18,000 tons of manure was collected and stored on village platforms. Project interventions resulted in manure storage for 46 percent of cattle, 16 percent of pigs, and 14 percent of sheep and goats in the pilot watershed. INDICATOR#2: Increased number of agro-processors and farmers adopting measures for nutrient reduction. Increased awareness of the benefits of mainstreaming environmental considerations in agriculture has led to increased interest in implementing manure management practices as well as other environmentally friendly agricultural practices. Farmers and agro-processors outside the project area are now undertaking environmentally friendly investments which collectively is resulting in continued reductions in nutrient loads to the Danube-Black Sea watershed in Moldova. (1355, Moldova Agriculture) |
Improved irrigation practices
Year: N/A -
Value: 720 ha
INDICATOR#1: Increased number of agro-processors adopting mitigation measures and increased area of agricultural land with resource conservation technologies and increased production of organicallycertified products. Fifty-nine farms installed adequate manure storage facilities. Seven agro-processors installed water treatment plants. Efficient irrigation technology was introduced on 720 ha of land exposed to soil erosion on 27 farms. Grassed waterways, buffer strips, forest belts on 253ha (9 farms) were supported under the project. The envisaged integrated management program for the wetland area was successfully implemented, including: (a) zone delineated with marks and landmarks; (b) ecological reconstruction of the forest on 26 ha, using tall saplings; (c) two concrete bridges with outflow systems; and (d) ten wooden bridges to improve public access. (1355, Moldova Agriculture) |
Establishment of country-specific inter-ministerial committees
Year: N/A -
Value: YES
Regional legal agreements and cooperation frameworks
Year: N/A -
Value: YES
INDICATOR #1: Policy framework for non-source pollution meeting EU criteria in place. Standards developed, certification process established and legislation in place.The Project contributed to the drafting of the Law on Ecological Farming and the Law on Soil Conservation, in particular to harmonize with the EU Nitrate Directive as well as developed a Code of Good Agricultural Practices in line with EU requirements.
Regional Management Institutions
Year: N/A -
Value: YES
National/Local reforms
Year: N/A -
Value: YES
cleaner production (wastewater treatment facilities - constructed wetlands) (#1542, Moldova Wetlands)