International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

UNDP/GEF Yellow Sea LME Phase II Project

Project objective: To achieve adaptive ecosystem-based management of the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem (YSLME) by fostering long-term sustainable institutional, policy and financial arrangements in accordance with the YSLME Strategic Action Programme (SAP).

The UNDP/GEF Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem Project is a transboundary intiative that began in 2005 as a response to these threats. Its overall aim is to help China and South and North Korea restore the Yellow Sea’s natural resources and achieve sustainable ecosystem-based management for generations into the future. This second phase of the project, UNDP/GEF YSLME Phase II, provides assistance to the two countries to implement the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) and support institutionalization of the YSLME Commission. This mechanism is envisaged as a permanent non-legally binding framework which will continue to implement the SAP into the future after the life of the project.

Watch the YSLME Phase II Overall Project Progress (English) below.

To know more about the project, its activities and outputs, click on the Documents and Videos list below this page or download the bibliography of project reports and outputs (XLS).

Large Marine Ecosystem

Yellow Sea (LME)

Asia , Central Asia


Documents & Resources
General information
GEF ID 4343
Project type Full-Size Project
Status closed (Project Closure)
Start Date 09 Sep 2010
GEF characteristic:
Focal Area International Waters
GEF Allocation to project 7,562,430 USD
Total Cost of the project: 233,044,196.00 USD
China , Regional

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Project contacts
Yinfeng Guo Project Manager and CTA
Sangjin Lee Environmental Economist