International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Role of the Coastal Ocean in the Disturbed and Undisturbed Nutrient and Carbon Cycles

This GEF medium-sized project is implemented within the context of the GEF Operational Program 10. The project deals with understanding the role of coastal seas in the carbon cycle and the impact of eutrophication in carbon sequestration. The emphasis of the project is on gathering a significant number of empiric estimates through workshops and training on the use of simple models in developing countries. This effort will produce preliminary conclusions on the role of anthropogenic impacts on the carbon source/sink characteristics using exemplary cases. Progress to December 2001: About 180 biochemical nutrient budgets for coastal systems globally are in hand with another 25-35 expected by March 2002. The evaluation of system trends is in progress and will culminate with the preparation of a final report. The capacity building component of the project has been extremely successful. Two workshops have been held in Africa and their reports are being finalised. The Asia/Pacific workshop report is being compiled. The project, due to end in December 2001, has been extended until end of March 2002 to allow finalisation of workshop reports and compilation of the global report of interest to UNEP and GEF.

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Documents & Resources
General information
GEF ID 514
Project type Medium-Size Project
Status closed (Project Closure)
Start Date 12 Jul 1999
End Date 31 Dec 2002
GEF characteristic:
Focal Area International Waters
GEF Allocation to project USD 720,000
Total Cost of the project: USD 1,177,600
YES - See results data (514)

UN Environment (UNEP)

Project contacts
Hartwig Kremer Chief Executive Officer
Isabelle Vanderbeck GEF IW Task Manager (UNEP)
Ahmed Djoghlaf Assistant Executive Director/GEF Executive Coordinator