Yellow Sea (LME) - Results
GEF IDS: 790
Information sources
IWC6 Results Note (2011)
Key Basin Project Results
1. Adopted ecosystem-based approach for preparation of TDA and SAP as the first IW project using the approach. The TDA process has helped the participating countries to collect about 30 years historical data and information. With the scientific data, information and knowledge, TDA has successfully identified the environmental problems, the priorities, and causes of the problem, which well served as scientific bases for the preparation of SAP. The SAP, based on the ecosystem services, defined the tangible management targets (e.g. reducing up to 30% fishing boats, and reduce 10% nutrients every 5 years), and effective management actions.
2. Enhanced regional and national co-operation and co-ordination in protection of marine environment, and sustainable uses of marine and coastal resources with an agreement to establish a YSLME Commission as long term management body for the regional co-operation. During the project implementation period, the Project Steering Committee (PSC) and the Regional Scientific and Technical Panel (RSTP) have been established for regional cooperation; and the Inter-ministry Co-ordinating Committees (IMCC) are in charge of national coordination. The mechanism has worked effectively, with the regional co-operative cruises and the joint regional fishery stock assessment, (both are the first times in the region) as successful example. Beside the formal participating countries, the Project has successfully involved DPR Korea participated in the major project activities and training courses, as observer.
3. Ungraded national capacities and public awareness of all stakeholders in marine environment protection, including parliamentary conferences, NGOs, local governments, and private sectors. The Regional Parliamentary Conferences have involved about 30 parliamentary members to raise awareness and knowledge of the importance of marine environment to the parliamentary organizations in the countries, who have major responsibilities in managing marine environment, e.g. legislations, institutional reform, and increasing budget. Involvement of NGOs and private sections into the project implementation has not only established the Yellow Sea Partner, but also generated substantial financial support. Panasonic provided about $ 1.8 million to the biodiversity conservation in the Yellow Sea.
Results data |
Municipal wastewater pollution reduction
Year: N/A -
Value: [see desc]
INDICATOR#3. It was agreed by the governments of the participating countries to reduce 10% nutrient discharge to the marine environment every 5 years. The relevant actions in establishing new waste water treatment plants, improve existing waste water treatment abilities are undertaken in the countries.
Reduced fishing pressure
Year: N/A -
Value: 0.3
Tangible targets on reducing fishing efforts were agreed, including reducing 30% fishing boats. The relevant actions (including boat buy-back and training on alternative livelihood, etc.) are undertaken in the countries.
Improved use of fish gear/techniques
Year: N/A -
Value: [see desc]
Sustainable mariculture has been seriously considered. The Integrated MultiTrophic Aquaculture (IMTA) and Heterotrophic shrimp culture have been implemented in the participating countries, The results of these activities show that while the farmers obtain better economic yield, the marine environment are not affected comparing to the traditional methods of mariculture.
Establishment of country-specific inter-ministerial committees
Year: N/A -
Value: YES
INDICATOR#1. The Inter-Ministry Co-ordinating Committees (IMCC) has been established in both China and R. Korea, and the Committees are functioning in a satisfactory ways. The major project decisions are made based on the decisions and agreements of the IMCC.
Regional legal agreements and cooperation frameworks
Year: N/A -
Value: YES
Enhanced regional and national co-operation and co-ordination in protection of marine environment, and sustainable uses of marine and coastal resources with an agreement to establish a YSLME Commission as long term management body for the regional co-operation. During the project implementation period, the Project Steering Committee (PSC) and the Regional Scientific and Technical Panel (RSTP) have been established for regional cooperation; and the Inter-ministry Co-ordinating Committees (IMCC) are in charge of national coordination. The mechanism has worked effectively, with the regional co-operative cruises and the joint regional fishery stock assessment, (both are the first times in the region) as successful example. Beside the formal participating countries, the Project has successfully involved DPR Korea participated in the major project activities and training courses, as observer.
Regional Management Institutions
Year: N/A -
Value: YES
Body: Yellow Sea CommissionGEF Project: INDICATOR#2. Following effective discussions and negotiations of the governments of the participating countries, it was formally agreed, and included in the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) that a YSLME Commission should be established with major responsibilities to coordinate the regional efforts in implementing SAP, and long-term co-operation; INDICATOR#5. The Yellow Sea Partnership has been established with participations of more than 20 institutions, including UN agencies and projects, international NGOs, local NGOs, and research institutes. The Partnership will serve as co-ordinating mechanism for the relevant activities in marine environment protection and conservation actions in the Yellow Sea INDICATOR#7. Regional MPA network has been established and functioning for better conservation of marine biodiversity in the Yellow Sea. With the offer of a local government, the secretariat of the Network may be established within 2011. It will ensure self-sustaining of the MPA Network. |
Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis: Agreement on transboundary priorities and root causes
Year: N/A -
Value: YES
INDICATOR#3. The Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA), has been formally endorsed by the full members of the project, i.e. China and R. Korea. The document has also been formally supported by DPR Korea as an observer of the project;
Development of Strategic Action Program (SAP)
Year: N/A -
Value: YES
INDICATOR#4. The Regional SAP has been formally endorsed by the full members of the project, i.e. China and R. Korea. The document has also been formally supported by DPR Korea as an observer of the project. The National SAPs have been endorsed by the respective governments of China and R. Korea.