North Brazil Shelf (LME)
1,073,481 Km2
11,008 Km
- IOC of UNESCO Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE)
- UN Environment Caribbean Regional Coordinating Unit (UNEP CAR/RCU); Caribbean Environment Programme
- Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
- Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM)
- Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC)
- Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C)
- Setting the Foundations for Zero Net Loss of the Mangroves that Underpin Human Wellbeing in the North Brazil Shelf LME - active (Project Approved)
- CReW+: An Integrated Approach to Water and Wastewater Management Using Innovative Solutions and Promoting Financing Mechanisms in the Wider Caribbean Region - active (Project Approved)
- Integrated Ecosystem Management and Restoration of Forests on the South East Coast of St. Lucia - active (Project Approved)
- Climate Change Adaptation in the Eastern Caribbean Fisheries Sector - active (Project Approved)
- Catalysing Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Sustainable Management of Shared Living Marine Resources in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (CLME+) - active (Project Approved)
- Sustainable Management of Bycatch in Latin America and Caribbean Trawl Fisheries (REBYC-II LAC) - active (Project Approved)
- Implementing a "Ridge to Reef" Approach to Protecting Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functions within and Around Protected Areas - active (Project Approved)
- Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in Coastal and Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) - active (Project Approved)
- Strengthening the Sub-system of Coastal and Marine Protected Areas - active (Project Approved)
- Marine and Coastal Protected Areas - active (Project Approved)
- Coastal Protected Area Management - closed (Completed)
- Consolidating Costa Rica's Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) - closed (Completed)
- Strengthening the Marine and Coastal Protected Areas System - closed (Project Approved)
- Designing and Implementing a National Sub-System of Marine Protected Areas (SMPA) - closed (Project Approved)
- Building a Sustainable National Marine Protected Area Network - closed (Project Approved)
- Application of a Regional Approach to the Management of Marine and Coastal Protected Areas in Cuba's Southern Archipelagos - closed (Completed)
- Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation into the Operation of the Tourism and Fisheries Sectors in the Archipelagos of Panama - closed (Project Approved)
- Sustainable Management of the Shared Marine Resources of the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME) and Adjacent Regions - closed (Project Closure)