- Protecting and Restoring the Ocean’s natural Capital, building Resilience and supporting region-wide Investments for sustainable Blue socio-Economic development (PROCARIBE+)
- Transboundary cooperation for the conservation, sustainable development and integrated management of the Pantanal - Upper Paraguay River Basin
- Binational and integrated water resources management in the Merín Lagoon Basin and Coastal Lagoons
- Integrated watershed management of the Putumayo-Içá river basin
- Brazil Sustaining Healthy Coastal and Marine Ecosystems Project
- Implementation of the Guarani Aquifer Strategic Action Program: Enabling Regional Actions
- Water Funds A Conservation Climate Resilient Model for Stressed Watersheds in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Preparing the Ground for the Implementation of the La Plata Basin Strategic Action Program
- Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme to Ensure Integrated and Sustainable Management of the Transboundary Water Resources of the Amazon River Basin Considering Climate Variability and Change
- Catalysing Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Sustainable Management of Shared Living Marine Resources in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (CLME+)
- Sustainable Management of Bycatch in Latin America and Caribbean Trawl Fisheries (REBYC-II LAC)
- Marine and Coastal Protected Areas
- Integrated Water Resources Management of the Sao Francisco River Basin and Its Coastal Zone (GEF São Francisco)
- Effective Conservation and Sustainable Use of Mangrove Ecosystems in Brazil
- Integrated and Sustainable Management of Transboundary Water Resources in the Amazon River Basin Considering Climate Variability and Change
- Building Partnerships to Assist Developing Countries to Reduce the Transfer of Harmful Aquatic Organisms in Ships' Ballast Water (GloBallast Partnerships)
- Sustainable Management of the Water Resources of the La Plata Basin with Respect to the Effects of Climate Variability and Change
- Preserving Biodiversity and Socio-Economic Value of Mangrove Ecosystems in Tropical America
- Development and Implementation of Mechanisms to Disseminate Lessons Learned and Best Practices in Integrated Transboundary Water Resources Management in Latin America and the Caribbean (Deltamerica)
- Removal of Barriers to the Introduction of Cleaner Artisanal Mining and Extraction Technologies
- Sustainable Management of the Shared Marine Resources of the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME) and Adjacent Regions
- Environmental Protection and Sustainable Integrated Management of the Guarani Aquifer
- Integrated Management of Land-Based Activities in the Sao Francisco Basin
- Integrated Watershed Management of the Pantanal and Upper Paraguay River Basin (GEF Pantanal/Upper Paraguay Project)
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